Streets through time - Pond Street
No 10 Cornridge
also known as Home Lodge
Other properties in Pond Street:
No 3 Cherry Tree Cottage aka The Ferns
No 9 Coach House aka Manor View
No 10 Cornridge aka Home Lodge

In the Estate sale of 1937, the property is known as Home Lodge and at this time the property and its outbuildings extends from Pond St through to Church St. The tenancy is that of Mr Arthur Edwin Collins. His family were the village wheelrights and joiners and had been in residence since at least 1911 according to the census of the time.
In the 1939 Register, Arthur (aged 75) and his wife Bertha Ann (aged 79) and their incapacitated daughter Nellie Mary (aged 47) are still in residence. Their sons Ernest Arthur (born 1894) and Harold George (born 1896) both followed their fathers footsteps into the joinery business.
It is not clear yet but it is thought that the Geeson family were the preceding wheelrights in the village.

The above picture was taken in the late 1960's. Below taken in 2023.