Streets through time - High Street
No 23 Barnard House
The other properties in High Street:
No 24 Village Store aka Square Yard
No 28 Ivy Cottage aka Butchers Shop
No 43 Trelawn aka Millenium Cottage
No 63 Middle Cottage aka Hoarwithy
WIP - further details to follow.
In the Estate sale of 1937, the tenancy is to M. W. Isaac
As per the 1939 Register, this is likely to be Walter Isaac (born 1894) and his wife Edith (born 1895). The Isaac family were farmers and grew up in the Drift. Walters parents are Luke ( b1854) and Sarah Isaac (b1869) and they live just down the road in 1939. The Isaac family may have had a farm behind the Gregory Arms where Daybrook Close is now.
WIP - further details to follow.
As you can see that the building has undergone a radical change from its humble beginnings to the lovely residential property it is now as shown in the image to the left.
The renovation and development of the property was undertaken by the owners - the Watkins family. Shirley Watkins still lives here (2024) and has provided the images below of its transformation commencing in the 1960's.