Streets through time - High Street
No 36
The other properties in High Street:
No 24 Village Store aka Square Yard
No 28 Ivy Cottage aka Butchers Shop
No 43 Trelawn aka Millenium Cottage
No 63 Middle Cottage aka Hoarwithy
This property was originally part of Wyggeston Farm which was run by the Higgins family since the early 1940's. They were originally the old cow sheds which were also used as the village post office run by Mrs Fox and a lampshade business run by the Jarman family. The Jarman's son was married to Daphne.
It is not clear at the time of writing when the building was converted to residential use.
Please refer to the Wyggeston Farm, Pond St page for further information.
Above is image of the cow sheds of Wyggeston Farm taken from No 73 High St front garden complete with local hedgehog. Date of image unknown.