Streets through time - West End
No 8 Manor Crest

House. Mid C17, with mid C19 and late C20 additions and alterations. Coursed squared stone with ashlar quoins and dressings, and steep pitched slate roof. Single ridge and gable brick stacks. 2 storeys; 4 window range. Windows ae mainly C19, with stone surrounds and chamfered mullions, and cast-iron diamond pane glazing. In the centre, a plaque with the Gregory arms, flanked to left by single light and two 2-light windows, and to right by 2-light windows. Left return has a C17 3-light first floor window with ovolo mullions.
In the Estate sale of 1937, the western side of West End was sold as a single plot which it is not clear but thought that Manor Crest is included within this. The tenancy is let to Mr Fred Higgins.
Fred Higgins (b1899) and his wife Ethel known as Biddy (b1912) were living here until this house was sold in 1937 to George Gilbert Musson. They had a daughter Pat who still lives in Harlaxton and is known as Pat Hollingsworth. Pat was born in 1937. In the 1939 Register, Fred and his family are recorded as still living in Manor Crest possibly as tenants to the new owner. Later the family moved out to Dysart Rd in Grantham and then returned to Harlaxton five years later moving into Wyggeston Farm on Pond St where they were the local dairy farmers.
The Higgins family were several generation dairy farmers and Fred's family is recorded as living in Manor Crest in the1901, 1911 and 1921 censuses. Fred's parents were Samuel (b1863) and Emma (b1868 in Long Bennington). Fred has two brothers living here with him and his parents - Horace (b1893) and Harold (b1897) Pat recalls that her Uncle Harold had been gassed in WW1 and ended up living in Park House on Manor Drive until the 1970's.
In 1901, the Higgins have all their young family living here and employ one domestic servant - Sarah Waltham from Barnack, Stamford.
In 1911, the Higgins have employed two servants - Sarah Jane Waltham and Frank Sharp - and have 73 year old retired butcher John Wade boarding with them. In 1921, the Higgins employ just one servant - a young servant girl 16 year old Zina Goodacre from Grantham.
The Higgins family have been recorded as living in Harlaxton since the mid 1800's. In the 1861 census Fred's paternal grandparents - Henry (b1828) and wife Elizabeth (b1832) are living in one of the Drift cottages (possibly No2). In the 1871 census, they are still living there along with their four sons - Henry (b1859), Samuel (b1863) Freds dad , Alfred (b 1867) - and daughter Lucy (b1862). In the 1891 census, the children have flown the nest and just Henry senior and Elizabeth are living there.

From the 1937 estate sale documents, it appears a Colonel Buxton bought what was known then as The West End for £1000 . It is unclear but it may have been that Buxton purchased it on behalf of Captain George Gilbert Musson who didn’t attend the auction for whatever reason but did become the owner and resident post 1939.
George G Musson was a 2nd Lieutenant in the Lincolnshire Yeomanry in 1918 and served in the Royal Engineers. He married but the details are unclear. There is a marriage certificate dated 23rd November 1929 for a George Gilbert Musson then living in Palestine and a Grace Holmes from Grantham. The ages are slightly different but the dates fit and Georges fathers name is the same but its not certain if it is the Musson family members in question.
George had a brother Graham who was also in the army. On checking the war records a 2nd Lieutenant Graham Musson pictured
right (born 1891 in Grantham) of the 8th Btn Machine Gun Corps was killed in action on 25th March 1918 which correspond to the
details on a Gallantry Certificate issued 1917. His and George G's parents were George and Annie Musson (nee Tomblin) of
Harrowby Rd Grantham.
Captain Musson and his wife lived here at Manor Crest for many years and had no children. Mrs Musson was active in the community but sadly it is understood that Mrs Musson took her own life at some point. It is known that Capt Musson lived to the age of 92 and his probate record confirms he died in Manor Crest in Harlaxton 5th June 1982. As there were no children, the property was left to Mrs Kate Allen of Metherington whose family were close friends of the Mussons. Kate used to refer to Captain Musson as Gerry.

When Kate Allen inherited the property, she considered the idea of living at the house but eventually decided to sell – splitting the land and the fields. Tim and Kitch Waudby bought the house in 1988 and then purchased the paddocks at a later date.
Tim lived in No 27 Rectory Lane before buying Manor Crest. Tim and Kitch (real name Elizabeth Anne Kitchen) married in 1992 and Kitch moved in with Tim. Tim was a commercial deep sea diver and Kitch a clerical administrator. They completely renovated Manor Crest and turned the old byre building (cow shed) next door into a residential bungalow for Tims mum to live in.
Having acquired the adjoining land and planning permission, Tim constructed the property now known as Wagon Hovel. It was originally built as a storage building for tractors etc/barn in 1997. It was given residential property status in 2010 and the property was developed into the wonderful baronial style residence that exists today. Tim and Kitch finished development and moved into Wagon Hovel in 2017.
Two years previous, they had sold Manor Crest to Mr Jason Slatcher in August 2015 and lived in an onsite static caravan until the work was completed. The Slatchers stayed three years and then sold to current owner Gerrard Farrelly in Sept 2018.
Manor Crest is so called because of a stone crest above the front door which has a shield emblem which is the same as one that is in Harlaxton Manor. At the time of writing, it is not clear as to details of the crest and who it refers to.

Above and below images taken in the late 1960's